Friday, August 13, 2010

question # 2 of Assignment # 1

1.       How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?

How do I see myself as a technopreneur? Actually, that word was not even found in my vocabulary. I don’t even recall hearing that word before since I was a little kid until the day it was introduced to us as a subject in our curriculum. Technopreneurship is equal to Technology plus entrepreneurship. Make sense ? Well, Technopreneurship refers to any business with the use of technology like electronic commerce and the like. More on the thought of “ to be not just an employee but to be an employer ” kind of things or simply just “ go beyond the line ” or “ go out of the box ”. Honestly, I could not think of the possibilities on what job could I get after I graduate. As of now, I am really hoping to become one of the most successful technopreneur. Why ? It is not because of this is a required project to pass this curriculum but rather I was being enlightened to see the things I could possibly achieved after taking up this course. Come on, we are the ones who has the most powers in this techie generation. hello ! ?  Am I really that powerful to take over ? Hohoho. I guess I could, I wished. I am inspired by the success of the richest man in the world. I mean one of the richest rather which was Bill Gates and of course Steve Jobs.  I salute them. Almost adore them. I wished I could be just one of them. Hohoho. Ambitious ?  Yeah right. Super ambitious. Hahaha. lol

Being a technopreneur is a long way to be achieved. I’m trying to visualize myself as a business owner where I was the one who leads and manage my own business, where I am being respected by my employees not because  I am the boss but rather because I was respectable enough to be followed. Hohoho. Loved it.

Nowadays, I can’t really prove that I am a technopreneur, not even to myself, not yet. But I could cite some characteristics I already possess to give you reasons to think that I could be one. Firstly, I’m a fast learner, although high intellectual ability was not really needed to be a technopreneur.
Second, I have the determination and the guts. Determined to continue what I’d started. The one who does not even know the word “ quit ”. I do believe in the saying “ quitters never win and winners never quit ”. To achieve your goals, learn not to quit. Keep moving forward. Go fight win.
Third, I am an optimistic type of person. Even things go wrong, I could still see it as a challenge to improve my skills and do more. See problems as a blessing in which we are being tested. No problem is big enough for us not to face.
Fourth, I’m a born leader. But I think I still need to improve it. “A good leader is a good follower”.  That was the thought which was always given to us by our facilitator in high school dealing the characteristics about leadership.
Fifth, I am open minded. I am open to every possibilities.  Simple or complex. Positive or negative. All are welcome. Hohoho.  Kidding.
Sixth, I am a risk taker. Being an IT student is like risking your college life. Hohoho.
Seventh, I’m not self  - centered to keep things on my own.
Eight, I’m willing to learn. We should not stop learning.
Ninth, I’m adaptive to the changing environment. I could follow the latest trends but remain as I am. Flexible might be good term to be used.
And lastly, on the tenth, my mind was almost empty and I couldn’t think of more. What’s important is that I believe in my abilities that I could be a good technopreneur. Always believe that we can do everything we ever wanted.

These are my insights when I become a technopreneur.
·         I will create my own IT Company.
·         I will hire fresh graduate info tech students.
·         I will let them choose whether they would stay with me as my employee or start their own business.
·         I will build an organization to teach the youths and the students to become just like me.
·         I will teach and share everything I know for them to be inspired and follow what I do.
·         I will develop their skills.
·         I will open up great opportunities.
·         I will lead my people and not to control them.
·         I will not pressure them in terms of work but would rather motivate them.
·         I will promote Technopreneurship in schools.
·         I will build an IT park or IT hub.
·         I will invest or let others borrow certain amount if they wish start a business.
·         I will offer a helping hand to those who are in need.
·         I will give my employees the benefits which are essential.
·         I will convince venture capitalist to invest for our business to improve our city.
·         I will not give the IT professionals the reasons to look for jobs across the country.
As a student undergoing this subject, I have those insights as my goals if ever I would become a technopreneur. Those things were not that easy to be achieved quickly but instead it would require a step by step process where in all those things could be accomplished consecutively. I really wished I could perform those things. Those are challenging yet worth trying. I believed that the “ youths are the nation’s hope “ . If I could not perform what I aimed, I think I would still help and contribute what I can do for my motherland for anybody’s success. I’m not selfish to keep those things just for myself.  I am willing to share. It is not about a selfish dream of me but a dream for everybody’s benefit, for my fellow students, fellow citizens under one revolutionary government. Let’s aim for everybody’s success. Let’s create a healthy competition where we help everyone to go higher and not to push them lower. We are Technopreneurs.

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